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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
News and statistics related to environmental health and disease prevention. Incluses a travelers health section and immunization advice.

Mayo Clinic
Nonprofit charity which offers "one-stop" diagnosis and treatment for most problems.
Known for its check-ups.

MSN Health
Daily e-zine offers drug reference, medical encyclopedia, and self-care ad visor.
Read articles about specific health issues, and search the site.

Arbor Nutrition
Directory to nutrition related Net resources. Reviewed by Dr Tony Helman with a monthly series on nutrition for professionals.

The Doctors guide
Contains medical news and alerts. With a data base of medical conferences listed by date.

FDA Online
US Food and Drug Administration directory to health-related resources, including cosmetics, medical devices, and animal drugs.

Health Answers
HealthAnswers provides FREE health care information to consumers from sources such as The American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Health Council.

Men's Health
Mens Health provides information and tips on men's fitness, health, sex, career, relationships, nutrition, recipes, weight loss and muscle building.

Reuters Health
Daily information for health care professionals. With weekly case study to test your diagnostic powers, and site reviews.

Group administering nutrition assistance programs. Offers updated news briefs, published research studies and reports, and program overviews.

Women's Health
Madison Pharmacy Associates Women's Health America Group serve the unique health needs of women.