Burke Alive
Nick Gonnering
Saturday, March 14 / 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Silver Fork Winery

Nick Gonnering is a 12 string inspirational folk artist from the Asheville. Over the last few years. Nick has toured regionally and has been working on a new range of songs concerned with giving back to the amazing community he has found here in the Blue Ridge Mountains. His work focuses on his yogic journey, finding peace in troubling times and being truly and authentically you. Drawing from such influences as The John Butler Trio, Trevor Hall, Michael Hedges and songwriters such as James Taylor, George Harrison and Bill withers, Nick fuses a unique mix of 12 string acoustic folk with blues, rock and soul influences to back his powerful vocals and insightful lyrics.

"Now More than ever, Music needs to be more than flashy personas and Ego. It needs to be inspirational, moving, and focused on opening the hearts of the world to work as one in the face of injustice" His newest music is centered around this idea. To bring people together through music and sharing of the hearts vibration. "We are emotional beings having a human experience, and I have been trying to cut my ego out of it so that the true essence of our spirit can shine through this beautiful conduit that is music!"

5000 Patton Road, Morganton
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